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D-Day Event

Early on the morning of June the 6th on the beaches of French Normandy, the incredibly massive allied landing operation began marking the start of the liberation of Western Europe.

This intense battle known widely as D-Day is represented in Enlisted in a variety of different missions, including the famous beach landing.  To celebrate the anniversary of this operation, we are presenting the first ever event in Enlisted!

From June 4th until June 7th (13:00 GMT) you can earn special rewards in the “Invasion of Normandy” campaign

Уникальный солдат IV ранга
Unique Rank IV soldier
Золотая заявка на уникальное оружие
Gold supply order
Серебряные заявки на вооружение и солдат
Silver supply orders
  • Silver weapon supply order — fight 1 battle
  • Silver troops supply order — win 3 battles
  • Silver weapon and troop supply orders — kill 100 enemies using light or stationary machine guns
Под ваше командование прибудет Jasper Monteth — инженер США IV ранга. Уничтожьте 60 противников из огнемёта, чтобы получить героя.
You can also obtain Jasper Monteth — US Engineer of Rank IV. Kill 60 enemies with a flamethrower to get him in your team.

Be first in your team in the battle 7 times and you will get a golden supply order to get any unique Enlisted weapon in any campaign!

  • You can earn rewards by unlocking achievements in both Squads and Lone Fighter modes of the Invasion of Normandy campaign, the tasks must be completed sequentially.
  • You can check your achievement progress in the event window, right in the game.
  • You can also open any achievement for Enlisted gold if you have no desire to fight for them. As you progress in the achievement, the price gets lower.

Online store discounts!

From the 4th of June at 13:00 GMT until the 7th of June at 13:00 GMT "Invasion of Normandy" Machine Gun Bundle 50% off!

"Invasion of Normandy" Machine Gun Bundle -50%
This bundle includes:
  • A premium unit of the 9th Infantry Division of the 60th US Army Infantry Regiment in the Normandy Campaign;
  • Browning M1918 machine gun (available for this squad only);
  • A premium unit of the 577th Grenadier regiment of the Wehrmacht 331st infantry division in the Normandy Campaign;
  • Browning wz. 1928 machine gun (available for this squad only).


The offer is valid for PC users only. PS5 and Xbox X/S users will be able to get discounted "Invasion of Normandy" units in the game using Gold, as well as PC players.

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